Surya Namaskar with Mantras

The 12 poses that form the Namaskar are a sign of appreciation to the Sun and is offered in the morning on a daily basis. The 12 poses symbolize the journey the Sun undertakes everyday around the Earth. Our ancient seers acknowledged this and revered the Sun. The Surya Namaskar helps create a harmony between your body cycle and that of the sun.

Chants known as Sun Salutations accompany the Namaskar and help attain harmony between the body, mind and soul.

1. Pranamasana ( Prayer Pose)

Mantra : Om Mitraaya Namaha which translates to “ One who is friendly “

How :

  • Stand near the top of the mat
  • Make sure your feet are hip-distance wide.
  • Exhale and bring the palms to touch in front of the chest.

Benefits :

Maintenance of balance
Stimulates the nervous system

2. Hastauttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)

Mantra: Om Ravaye Namaha which means “ the radiant one “

How :

  • Inhale and reach the arms toward the sky.
  • Make sure your  palms facing forward.
  • Gently arch your back.

Benefits :

Tones abdominal muscles
Improves lung capacity

3. Hastapadasana (Standing Forward Bend)

Mantra: Om Suryaya Namaha which roughly means “ the conqueror or destroyer  of darkness “

How :

  • Exhale and bend forward.
  • Bring your palms to the floor on either side of the feet.
  • Bend your knees as required.

Benefits :

Increases flexibility of the spine
Helps stretch the hamstrings and open out your shoulders

4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)

Mantra: Om Bhaanave Namaha which means “ One who illuminates”

How :

  • Inhale and bring your knee to the floor by keeping your right foot back.
  • Make sure that the left knee doesn’t move beyond the left ankle.
  • Bring your fingertips to the floor and lunge forward while looking straight ahead.

Benefits :

Helps with constipation and indigestion
Increases the flexibility of the spine and lower back

5. Dandasana (Stick Pose)

Mantra: Om Khagaya Namaha which reads “ One who moves across the sky”

How :

  • Hold your breath and move your left foot back.
  • Make sure they are at so hip-distance width.
  • Align the legs and torso in one diagonal line, arms straight, fingers spread wide.

Benefits :

Improves posture
Strengthens the back and shoulders

6. Ashtanga Namaskara (Salute with Eight Parts Pose)

Mantra: Om Pooshne Namaha meaning “ Giver of fulfillment”

How :

  • Exhale and lower the knees, chest and chin to the floor.
  • The hips should be lifted from the ground and elbows must be close to the body.

Benefits :

Reduces anxiety
Strengthens the back muscles

7. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Mantra: Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha which means “ the Golden One”

How :

  • Inhale and slide forward, untucking the toes and arching the spine.
  • Stretch your arms but make sure your elbows are bent slightly.

Benefits :

Helps the cardiovascular system
Strengthens shoulders, chest and arms

8. Parvatasana (Mountain Pose)

Mantra: Om Mareechaye Namaha which translates to “ Giver of light ”

How :

  • Tuck the toes.
  • Push the hips up and back.
  • Stretch your  arms so that the body forms a triangle shape.

Benefits :

Increases blood flow
Strengthens arms and legs

9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)

Mantra: Om Aadityaaya Namaha which means “ the son of Aditi”

How :

  • Inhale and step your right foot back, towards your hands.
  • Lower the left knee towards the floor.
  • Make sure that the right knee doesn’t move beyond the right ankle.
  • Bring your fingertips to the floor and arch forward.

Benefits :

Tones the abdomen
Strengthens legs

10. Hastapadasana (Standing Forward Bend)

Mantra: Om Savitre Namaha which means “ Life Giver ”

How :

  • Exhale and move your left foot forward.
  • Ensure that your feet are hip-distance wide.
  • Bow forward, drawing the nose toward the knees.

Benefits :

Helps stretch the hamstring
Opens out the chest and shoulders

11. Hastauttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)

Mantra: Om Arkaaya Namaha which means “ One worthy of Praise “

How :

  • Inhale and rise to standing.
  • Reach your arms forward and then up toward the sky.
  • Make sure your palms are facing forward.
  • Gently arch back.

Benefits :

Tones abdominal muscles
Increases lung capacity         

12. Tadasana (Palm Tree Pose)

Mantra: Om Bhaskaraya Namaha meaning “ Giver of Wisdom “

How :

Exhale and draw the palms together in front of your chest.

Benefits :

Strengthens thighs, knees and ankles
Relieves sciatica

Chanting mantras alongside Surya Namaskar helps you to focus on the chanting rather than the discomfort faced by your body while doing the asanas. It brings flexibility, strength and focus to your body, mind and spirit and is the perfect way to kick-start your morning.