Yoga for Heart Health

Today age does not stand as a factor for heart ailments, and this is causing a lot of worry to people all around the world. Even youngsters as young as 20 are falling prey to heart attacks and other heart-related issues. Is this because we carry too many worries because we skip meals and don’t look after our diet? While the reasons are many, they all add up to one cause- unhealthy lifestyle and what better cure for that than yoga? Here, we take a look at how Yoga can help you in your path to having a happy and healthy heart.

Committing to a healthier living style and practising yoga will help you deal with most cardiac issues. Yoga has several poses and asanas that help you maintain a healthy heart. Also, the fact that these simple stretches and lounges cause no side-effects makes them grow in popularity all over the world.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar believes that Yoga is a study of the body, breath, mind, intellect, memory, and ego, making it a complete art form that helps you maintain your body the right way.

Yoga is a combination of poses, breathing techniques and meditation, and each asana targets a particular organ, making some beneficial to the heart. Some of the benefits they provide are:

  1. Lowering of blood pressure.
  2. Increases your lung capacity.
  3. Lowers cholesterol.
  4. Improves your heart rate
  5. Boosts your blood circulation.
  6. Helps in dealing with stress.

Certain poses that help rejuvenate your heart are:

  • Tadasana (Mountain pose)- Helps strengthen your vertebrae and heart while also expanding your lungs.
  • Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)- Helps in achieving a balanced posture while broadening your shoulders and opening up the heart.
  • Utthita Hastapadasana (Extended hands and feet pose)- Helps in controlling your weight and boosting cardiac muscle strength.
  • Trikonasana (Triangle pose)- Helps in promoting cardiovascular exercise and thereby expands your chest expands. This helps in strengthening your pulmonary muscles and increasing your stamina.
  • Veerabhadrasana (Warrior pose)- Improves your balance and stamina while also improving your blood circulation.
  • Utkatasana (Chair pose)- Helps in stimulating the heart by expanding your chest, helping to keep your heart rate in check.